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Plants and Seeds

MoreVeg are a good source of seeds in small quantities,
ideal for experimenting .

Macclesfield Community Garden Centre in West Park
are a good source of seedlings and plants

Find seeds and equipment
What to do with a Surplus - Swap it or Use it
Surplus Apples or Pears?

If you have apple or pear trees and can't bear to see the fruit going to waste,
the Random Apple Company will collect them and give you some freshly pressed juice in exchange.
Alternatively, you can take your fruit to Rainow and help with the pressing.

Contact: 07742 678873 or Website
There is a separate apple surplus scheme for Congleton residents; you can take your surplus apples to Astbury Mere Visitor Centre.
Contact: Peter Aston,
01260 280212, 07971 805372
Read about the new Food Swapping Movements
on the BBC website here
Or see some sample sites:-

How to Eat it All
If you have too much food of one type, or you have food approaching its use by date,
you can search the websites below for recipes to use up one particualr ingredient:-

The Love Food Hate Waste site has lots of tips on storing veg, and how to use your freezer to extend shelf life.
There are also Smartphone Apps such as this one from Riverford,
that allows you to select three different veg and will find a recipe to use them all.