Cable and Hose Protection
Item No: 04CP905

Registered Design No: 6155497

Trip Avoidance
Low profile, Low Immersion, EV Charge Cable Channel or gully.

 New  £350 government grant for cross-pavement charging solutions

Avoid cable trips, or car traffic puncturing your hosepipe.

Just push your hose or EV charging cable down into this retainer channel.

The flexible bristles hold it below ground level until you need to pull it out.

Watch 40 seconds of video:-

No obstacle to bikes, buggies, or wheelchairs:-

Fast Installation:
Being only 43mm deep, the channel can easily be incorporated into new paving.

In existing surfaces, cut two 5cm deep grooves
5cm apart and chisel out the infill, -
or crop a 5cm-wide strip
off the edge of paving slabs.

In addition to causing minimal
surface disturbance, a 230mm
cutting disc has a maximum cut depth
 of about 65mm,minimising any risk
to underground services.

The section can easily be slit and bent to follow the contours of the surface;-


Bond in place with mastic or mortar.

Watch a 35 minute installation compressed to 45 seconds:-

The one metre sections can be joined by offsetting the brushes a little:-


Bright Anodised Aluminium.
The bright edges make the channel easy to find,
even in poor light.

Dims: 45mm x 45mm x 1, 2, or 3m lengths.
Weight: 1.1kg per metre.

Where to Buy Online

One metre lengths available from ev-extras.

Also available from Low Energy Supermarket:-

Both one metre and three metre lengths can be purchased from

In addition, these companies will supply to order:-

Part No: 04CP905. Tel: 01625 613311

Technical Support Tel: 07825 702020