
Cycle Macclesfield

Further Reading

The revision of the Highway Code in January 2022, introduced several rules to the benefit of cyclists, but it also makes clear that in shared spaces, cyclists should give way to pedestrians.  This is important if pedestrians and cyclists are to peacefully co-exist in routes that are physically separated from motor traffic.

Cheshire East's Web page 'Cycling in Cheshire East'

Macclesfield Active Travel Consultation, September 2020. 

 Macctastic Transport Subgroup, Submission to the Town Council May 2020

Macclesfield Local Transport Delivery Plan

Macclesfield Town Centre, Strategic Regeneration Framework . October 2019

The above initatives derive from this Cheshire East Cycling Strategy 2017
(or Executive Summary) and the Cycle Design Infrastructure guidelines published by the Department for Transport .

A summary of the Core Design Principles for Infrastructure is set out below.


Macclesfield Movement Strategy 2014 (page 11)

DfT Pedal Cycling Road Safety Fact Sheet. March 2018

Cycling Injury stats 2023 Index

Contact: cycling@maccinfo.com