Safer Cycling Routes in Macclesfield.When you make a car journey through Macclesfield, you might think that traffic is too heavy for safe cycling. But the best route in a car is often not the best route on a bike. There are many quiet routes across town, well away from the main thoroughfares and scary roundabouts, making use of side roads, the parks, and shortcuts that are blocked off for cars but not for bikes.
If you open it on your phone, Google maps will show you where you are. In narrow places, always give way to pedestrians; treat them with the consideration you would like to receive from motorists, especially when approaching from behind. Don't whiz past unannounced with inches to spare. Make sure they have heard you coming. Say 'Hello /Good morning/ Excuse me'. Thank them if they have moved aside to let you pass. Please let us know how you get on, any further ideas, or problems encountered:- email See how The National Cycle Network route 55 crosses town. here
See the whole SUSTRANS Network in one map.
Cheshire Town Cycling Maps
Cheshire East Area Map
Biddulph Valley Way
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