Join Macclesfield's Litter Pickers
A number of individuals have been quietly litter picking their areas.
David Kettle has suggested that a map might avoid duplication, and
hopefully prompt other people to tackle other areas.
Olive and Rachel Massey
This is a great activity for teaching community involvement to kids.
They love manipulating the grabbers,
and they have no need to touch any of the litter.
These areas are being picked by residents:-
If you have cleaned an area recently and
would like to add that to this map, drop us an email at,
or see how map editing is done
The litter you see around you is
an opportunity for you to help reduce the amount of rubbish and plastic
that is washed by rain into our drains, rivers, and eventually the sea.
- People are less likely to throw litter into
clean areas; they can't think to themselves
"It doesn't matter, the place is a tip anyway!"
- By being seen to pick up litter, you will
encourage other people to do the same, and make litter throwers
think twice.
- If dog owners, are seen picking up
litter, it will correct the impression held by many that dog
owners don't care about 'cleanliness'.
There is a group called
'Paws on Plastic'
If you pick up a few pieces each day, it can soon
make a difference.
(It has been estimated that if one household in ten, cleared just
100 metres, the whole town would be covered.)
can make a start with just gloves and an old carrier bag,
(some people take a separate bag for recyclables) but if you want to do more:-
Borrow a Grabber:-
Borrow a grabber from Scoop & Scales inside the
Heritage Centre. Opening hours Wed 10-4, Thurs 10-7, Fri 10-4, Sat 10-4
Mon-Fri: 9 - 5:30, Late night Thursday 9 - 7.30pm,
Sat: 9 - 5. Sun: CLOSED
Mon - Fri 8-5pm, Sat 9.30 - 3.30pm
The Ranger has litter picking equipment available to borrow,
(number of days duration negotiable).
Or Buy your own Grabber:-
Grabbers can be very cheap to buy:-
The Poundland grabbers are nice and light for
kids to handle, but require more hand strength than some children
Despite the low price, we have experience of adults using them for several hours.
However, don't use them to prise up items
stuck in the mud. They are not strong enough for that..
'Macclesfield Pound Plus',
around a fiver on Chestergate.
sell straight or foldable ones to fit in a bag or rucksack from £10
Need Bags?
Macclesfield Town Council and ANSA have agreed that litter
pickers can leave green litter bags next to public litter bins
for collection by ANSA.
The green bags can be requested via
email from ANSA by emailing
Sharps Warning: If you see glass or needles where you are
picking, leave them alone and find some easier pickings - there are
Don't put yourself in harm's way.
It's easy to get too close to a road when you are looking at the ground.
Runners in Sweden are encouraged to try
(collecting rubbish as you run).
Coming Up:-
Your Councils' Involvement:-